Individual Health Insurance Market

Individual Insurance Market Premiums Cover Widely-Used Services

by Kelsey Waddill

The individual health insurance market’s premiums mostly go towards highly utilized services, a Robert Wood Johnson study discovered. “The requirement that these essential benefits be...

Legal, Payer Experts Unpack SCOTUS Affordable Care Act Hearing

by Kelsey Waddill

As the Supreme Court deliberates the fate of the Affordable Care Act after hearing the oral arguments, payers and the public alike are processing the court case and its implications for the healthcare...

Pros, Cons of Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangements

by Kelsey Waddill

Individual coverage health reimbursement arrangements (ICHRAs), which have been offered as the alternative to the Affordable Care Act, have negative impacts on low-income New Yorkers, according to a...

GA Individual Market Reform Approved Over Industry Objections

by Kelsey Waddill

CMS has approved a Section 1332 demonstration for Georgia which, in part, moves the individual market to a private sector platform. “I’m thrilled to support this comprehensive state-led...

Medicare Advantage Gross Margins Rise 41% Over 2019 Margins

by Kelsey Waddill

Compared to 2019, the fully-insured group health insurance markets and Medicare Advantage markets have seen their margins increase and loss ratios decrease in the first half of 2020, with Medicare...

What Happens if SCOTUS Overturns ACA, Besides Coverage Loss?

by Kelsey Waddill

Update 11/5/2020: This article has been corrected to state that the Supreme Court will hear the oral arguments regarding the Affordable Care Act’s constitutionality on November 10, 2020. A...

How an Overturned Affordable Care Act Would Impact Payer Industry

by Kelsey Waddill

Since the passing of late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, many have questioned whether the Affordable Care Act is at risk of being overturned, a potentiality that would be extremely...

Payers Begin To Pay Individual, Small Group Rebates Amid COVID-19

by Kelsey Waddill

Major payers are beginning to send out individual and small group rebate checks for 2019, providing some financial relief for members, as the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance...

Tobacco Surcharge Hinders Coverage Access for Low-Income Seniors

by Kelsey Waddill

Smoking can lead to higher premiums, a recent study on the tobacco surcharge and tobacco users’ Affordable Care Act marketplace premiums revealed. According to the Centers for Disease Control...

GA’s Affordable Care Act Exchange Model Moves to Public Comment

by Kelsey Waddill

CMS has confirmed that Georgia’s Section 1332 state innovation waiver, which changes the Affordable Care Act exchange model, is complete. The waiver will now move into a public comment...

Payers Have Various Strategies for COVID-19 Treatment Cost-Sharing

by Kelsey Waddill

While by and large patients were under the same waivers for coronavirus testing, payers have implemented a broad range of strategies to handle coronavirus treatment cost-sharing for the long term, a...

NY Announces Record Low Individual, Small Group 2021 Premium Rates

by Kelsey Waddill

New York has announced 2021 premium rates and the state appears to be following CMS’s lead for 2020 rates by keeping 2021 rates low. The New York State Department of Financial Services announced...

CMS Temporarily Lowers Individual, Small Group Exchange Premiums

by Kelsey Waddill

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it will allow payers to use premium credits to temporarily lower the individual and small group exchange premiums for...

COVID-19 May Impact Employer-Sponsored Plans Less Than Expected

by Kelsey Waddill

The blow to employer-sponsored plans in the final three quarters of 2020 could be lower than anticipated largely because coronavirus impacts have concentrated on lower income populations, Robert Wood...

How Payers, Policymakers Can Help Small Business Health Coverage

by Kelsey Waddill

With New Jersey’s small group health insurance market in decline, the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute (Quality Institute), a nonpartisan group that advocates for collaboration among...

What is the Medical Loss Ratio of the Affordable Care Act?

by Kelsey Waddill

The medical loss ratio is a financial standard that plans on the Affordable Care Act exchanges must uphold. It sets the baseline for how much of payer revenue must go directly toward covering consumer...

Most Furloughed Workers Still Covered by Employer-Sponsored Plan

by Kelsey Waddill

Overall, nationwide healthcare coverage levels have remained steady because many furloughed workers are still receiving healthcare coverage through an employer-sponsored plan, Commonwealth Fund...

BCBS Companies Hold Almost 50% of Market Share on ACA Marketplaces

by Kelsey Waddill

The federal and state health insurance marketplaces are dominated by Blue Cross Blue Shield-affiliated companies and there has also been a dramatic shift in enrollment from national and regional payers...

COVID-19 Impacts on Risk Pool, Costs Stir Rate Setting Uncertainty

by Kelsey Waddill

The coronavirus pandemic impacts on the individual health insurance market risk pool and healthcare costs for 2021 are infusing uncertainty into the 2021 rate setting process, America’s Health...

15 Payers File on WA Individual Health Insurance Marketplace

by Kelsey Waddill

Fifteen healthcare payers have filed plans for the 2021 Affordable Care Act (ACA) individual health insurance marketplace, the Office of the Insurance Commissioner for Washington State announced. For...